Abstracts (max. 250 words) should be prepared in English according to the template for abstracts and sent via the abstract submission form. Abstracts will be published in the Book of Abstracts.


All participants, regardless of whether they participate with the presentation or not, should register using the online registration form.


Full registration fee*  200,00 EUR
Student fee (certified)*  100,00 EUR
*Tax included

Registration fee includes: Conference participation, Conference materials, refreshments during breaks and dinner.

One registration fee covers participation with one presentation at the Conference.


Payment for foreign participants*
Faculty of Food Technology Osijek
Franje Kuhača 18, 31000 Osijek
Addiko Bank d.d.
IBAN code: HR1725000091102017142
VAT: HR96371000697
With notification: IV. FIB CONFERENCE_Name and Surname of Participant
*Please, state full name, address and VAT number of the payer. Please, before sending the money check with your bank if the field Details of Charges are marked as OUR. We will not accept the transaction if details of Charges are marked as SHA (Shared) or Ben (Beneficiary)
Payment for domestic participants*
Prehrambeno-tehnološki fakultet Osijek
Franje Kuhača 18, 31000 Osijek
Addiko Bank d.d.
IBAN code: HR1725000091102017142
OIB: 96371000697
Svrha doznake: IV. FIB CONFERENCE_Ime i Prezime sudionika
*Na uplatnici obvezno navesti Naziv, adresu i OIB uplatitelja