CERT-ING (Center for Development and Technological Engineering)

The Faculty of Food Technology Osijek has set up an independent subunit – the Center for Development and Technological Engineering (CERT-ING) whose goal is to connect science with economy, country and state institutions and improve cooperation with them. CERT-ING combines scientific, professional and advisory work and serves for the commercialization of research results. So far, as a result of a long-term successful business cooperation, a number of bilateral cooperation agreements have been signed, which has resulted in the improvement of the local economy, through the application of the latest scientific and professional knowledge in business.

The activity of CERT-ING includes the work on:

  • programs of development
  • analyses in food technology areas or related areas
  • technological and investment projects, programs and elaborations
  • expert proposals for solving technological problems in existing technologies
  • “consulting”
  • development of novel products and processes (technologies)
  • optimizing the consumption of energy, water and other resources
  • food and raw material monitoring


Jurislav Babić, PhD, Full Professor, Dean

F. Kuhača 18, 31000 Osijek

Tel: 031 224 304

Fax: 031 207 115

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Stela Jokić, PhD, Full Professor, Vice-Dean for Marketing and Business Cooperation

F. Kuhača 18, 31000 Osijek

Tel: 031 224 333

Fax: 031 207 115

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Obavijest kandidatima

Obavijest kandidatima

Natječaj za izbor

Natječaj za izbor

Sajam mogućnosti i 28. Smotra Sveučilišta

Sajam mogućnosti i 28. Smotra Sveučilišta