About the Alumni

At the beginning of the year 2011 (March 25, 2011), the Association of former students and friends of the Faculty of Food Technology Osijek (shorted TehnOS), Alumni, was founded/registered, with headquarter in Osijek, on address Franje Kuhača 20.

The association is focused on preservation of the Faculty tradition, promotion of the Faculty and engineering (as a profession) reputation, improvement of the studying quality, improving of the scientific and professional work, providing current students with assistance in performing practical work and job search, and providing Alumni association members with assistance, depending on their needs. The activities of the Alumni association are concentrated on accomplishment of set goals and efficient cooperation with educational and scientific institutions, chambers, companies and other bodies and organizations dealing with food technology, food engineering, applied chemistry, environmental protection and/or similar.

The bodies of the Alumni are Assembly, Presidency and Supervisory Board.

Founding Assembly, March 3, 2011, the selected bodies were:

First Chairperson: Drago Šubarić, PhD, full professor

First Vice-chairperson: Borislav Miličević, PhD, full professor

First Secretary: Ivana Pavleković, dipl. ing.

First Presidency : Šubarić Drago, Benkotić Snježana, Jukić Marko, Jurković Zorica, Miličević Borislav, Paulik Petar, Piližota Vlasta, Primorac Ljiljana and Tišma Marina

First Supervisory Board: Milena Mandić, Dubravko Pichler and Ivica Strelec

Actual Chairperson: Ante Lončarić, PhD, associate professor

Actual Vice-chairperson: Nebojša Kojić, PhD, outside stakeholder

Actual Secretary: Ivana Lauš, dipl. ing.

Actual Presidency: Jurislav Babić, PhD, full professor, Ante Lončarić, PhD, associate professor, Darko Velić, PhD, full professor, Mirna Habuda-Stanić, PhD, full professor, Daniela Horvat, PhD, Stela Jokić, PhD, full professor, Drago Šubarić, PhD, full professor, Nebojša Kojić, PhD and Mirela Planinić, PhD, full professor

Actual Supervisory Board: Đurđica Ačkar, PhD, full professor, Dajana Gašo-Sokač, PhD, full professor and Gordana Šimić, PhD

Dear colleagues, dear friends of the Faculty of Food Technology Osijek, if you are finished the study programme at our Faculty, or you are working at our Faculty, or you are just the friend of our Faculty, we invite you to join to our Alumni, by filling the accession form.

We welcome every joining!


Ante Lončarić, PhD, associate professor

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