Project promoted twice in the scientific journal “Chemistry in Industry”

The ByProExtract project under the coordination of Stela Jokić, Full Professor, was promoted in two occasions in the “Chemistry in Industry”, a scientific journal that publishes scientific and professional papers in the field of chemistry and chemical engineering:

1) In a short review about the main aims and ideas on which is based the concept of ByProExtract project, and also focusing on the professional equipment also provided from the HRZZ (Croatian Science Foundation) funding.

ARTICLE – S. Jokić: Od industrijskog otpada do vrijednih bioaktivnih komponenti (LINK)

2) In a short report from the Second Young Scientists Conference with all invited oral presentation enlisted, including the presentation held by Stela Jokić (with photographs from lecture included), Full Professor, who introduced the public all active projects carried out at Faculty of Food Technology Osijek. Professor Jokić also emphasized the importance of the ByProExtract project which is funded by Croatian Science Foundation.

ARTICLE – S. Šafranko i A. Stanković: 2. Dani mladih istraživača (LINK)