ByProExtract Project

Application of innovative techniques of the extraction of bioactive components
from by-products of plant origin

About projectOur research group

The aim of this project

All industries aim to obtain a quality product and to utilise raw materials as efficiently as possible in the production process. During the processing of raw materials, a certain amount of by-products is produced, which does not necessarily have to be “waste”, but a by-product or high value raw material for development of new products.

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“Let food be thy medicine and medicine be thy food.”
– Hippocrates

Extracts from by-products

Application of innovative techniques of the extraction of bioactive components from by-products of plant origin



1.607.708,72 HRK


60 months

Project duration
(01.01.2018. – 31.12.2022.)

Contact us

If you still have any further questions about ByProExtract  project, please don’t hesitate to contact us at any time.