Science Festival at the Faculty of Food Technology

Faculty of Food Technology Osijek traditionally continues to organize various events within the Science Festival. During the Science Festival, nearly 1000 visitors attended the Faculty of Food Technology in Osijek, which shows that this Faculty is attractive and that provides interesting workshops and lectures.
By organizing the Science Festival, primary goal of the Faculty of Food Technology in Osijek was to bring the world of science closer to “future scientists” through various interesting workshops and experiments, organized and performed by employees and students of the Faculty. Participants were students and other visitors. They had the opportunity to learn something new.
More about activities from the Science Festival at Faculty of Food Technology can be listen in emission „Dobar dan” on HRT Radio Osijek (sound tape) or read in an article in newspaper “Glas Slavonije”.

HRT Radio Osijek:

Article in “Glas Slavonije”

Science Festival 2018. (Glas Slavonije)

University Gazette (No. 36)