3rd International Scientific-Professional Conference FOOD INDUSTRY BY-PRODUCTS

Third International Scientific Conference FOOD INDUSTRY BY-PRODUCTS organized by the Faculty of Food Technology, Croatian Academy of Engineering (HATZ), Udruženja za nutricionizam i dijetetiku (BiH), European Hygienic Engineering & Design Group – EHEDG (Germany) and Croatian Science Foundation was held on 29th October 2022 in Osijek.  The Conference, the visual identification of the Programme and Book of Abstracts were funded by the Croatian Science Foundation within the project “Application of innovative techniques for extraction of bioactive components from plant by-products” (UIP-2017-05-9909).

The Principal Investigator of ByProExtract project, Stela Jokić, held plenary lecture with the topic: „Application of innovative techniques of the extraction of bioactive components from by-products of plant origin“.