Ethical Committee for Research on Human Subjects

This committee ensures that researchers employed by Faculty of Food Technology adhere to ethical principles while performing health-related research with human subjects. Protection of subjects' rights, safety and benefits is in agreement with the World Medical Association's Declaration of Helsinki and United Nations Educational, Scientific and Cultural Organization's Universal Declaration on Bioethics and Human Rights. The committee also considers scientific validity of the research in order to secure its social value.

Ethics commission:

Tomislav Klapec, PhD, full professor, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek

Daniela Čačić Kenjerić, PhD, full professor, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek

Ivica Strelec, PhD, full professor, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek

Ines Banjari, PhD, associate professor, Faculty of Food Technology Osijek

Maja Miškulin, PhD, full professor, Faculty of Faculty of Medicine in Osijek


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