Sub-department of Carbohydrates Technology

Within courses lectured at Sub department, student gain knowledge essential for sugar, starch, starch derivatives, confectionary and alcoholic beverages production processes, as well as for research conduction in these fields. Lectures include all aspects of above mentioned production processes, from raw material quality, production conditions, quality control, hygienic conditions and all other aspects necessary for safe and quality product, as well as aspects of successful management in food industry. Most courses include laboratory and industrial practice. 

In addition to courses at Faculty of Food Technology, employees of Sub department of Carbohydrate Technology have lectured at Faculty of Economics in Osijek, Faculty of Agriculture and Food Technology in Mostar, Faculty of Technology in Tuzla and Biotechnical Faculty in Bihać, Polytechnic in Požega, Vukovar, Poreč etc.

At Sub department of Carbohydrate Technology following researches have been conducted: Development and Improvement of processes for food production; Carbohydrates, structure and properties; Carbohydrate modification by chemical, physical and enzymatic procedures; Rheological and thermophysical properties of food products; Improvement of quality and stability of food products; Food safety; Development of new food products; Polyphenols in cocoa products, tea and coffee Application of immobilized yeasts in production of alcoholic beverages etc.

 Antun Jozinović, PhD, Associate Professor

Undergraduate study

  • Fundamental Techology of Carbohydrates
  • Hygiene and Sanitation

Graduate study 

  • Technology of carbohydrates and confectionary products
  • Technology of confectionary and related products
  • Technology of carbohydrates
  • Chemistry and technology of carbohydrates
  • Company Management
  • Technology of alcoholic beverages

Postgraduate study 

  • Food additives
  • Achievements in carbohydrates technology
  • Achievements in technology of  confectionary products
  • Hygiene and sanitation
  • Attainments in processing of vegetable origin raw materials including HACCP elements I
  • Hygiene and sanitation in meat production and processing
  • HACCP application in production of traditional meat products
  • Generic procedures in alcoholic beverage technology
Obavijest kandidatima

Obavijest kandidatima

Natječaj za izbor

Natječaj za izbor

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