Subdepartment of meat and dairy technology

The Subdepartment of meat and dairy technology offers courses that allow students to gain knowledge of management technologies for production of meat, dairy, and fish products. Courses include the entire production of meat, dairy and fish products from raw materials to finished products, with particular emphasis on technological advances and the quality, safety and marketing of meat, dairy, and fish products. These courses introduce students to new preservation methods, devices, technological lines and processes, nutrition, nutritional, functional, and marketing trends in the production and market of meat, dairy, and fish products.

Most courses are organized so that the students undergo laboratory and industrial practice.

Also, students acquire knowledge of the basics of scientific research, searching (quoting) scientific and professional literature and writing final, graduate, and doctoral theses.

Scientific work of employees of the Subdepartment of meat and dairy technology deals with the development of measurement methods for the determination of thermophysical properties of food, mathematical modeling of non-stationary processes in food technology and the development of traditional meat and dairy products. In addition to scientific and teaching activities, the staff of the subdepartment is active in professional cooperation with producers and conducts education and special programs related to the production of traditional meat and dairy products.


Krešimir Mastanjević, PhD, Full professor

Undergraduate study 

  • Fundamental technology of meat and fish 

  • Technology of Animal-Based Raw Materials

  • Economics of Food Processing Industry

  • Fundamental technology of milk processing 

Graduate study 

  • Meat and Fish Technology

  • Autochthonous Meat Products

  • Chemistry and Technology of Meat and Fish 

  • Autochthonous dairy products
  • Microbiological and biochemical processes in dairy industry
  • Primary processing of milk and fermented dairy beverages
  • Technology of milk and dairy products
  • Introduction to scientific and research work

Postgraduate study 

  • Meat and Fish Technology achievements
  • Technology of Traditional Meat Product
  • Attainments in processing of animal origin raw materials including HACCP elements 
  • Protection And Branding Of Traditional Food Products in Croatia and the EU
  • The Basics of Meat Technology
  • Technology of Production of Traditional Meat Product
  • Swine breeding for production of traditional meat products 
  • Veterinary-medical supervision in production of traditional meat products
  • Selected chapters in milk processing technology 
  • Achievements in milk processing technology
  • Methodology of scientific work
Obavijest kandidatima

Obavijest kandidatima

Natječaj za izbor

Natječaj za izbor

Sajam mogućnosti i 28. Smotra Sveučilišta

Sajam mogućnosti i 28. Smotra Sveučilišta